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Need immediate care? Never Miss a Beat! Tap Click to Join! One other safety tip of interest: If you do decide to eat raw fish, choose fish that has been previously frozen.
That's because freezing will kill any potential parasites present. Unfortunately, freezing doesn't kill every harmful organism. For people at higher risk for foodborne illness, severe and life-threatening illness may result from consuming raw or undercooked fish and shellfish.
These individuals include those with compromised immune systems, as well as pregnant women, children younger than five and adults age 65 and older. Raw fish and shellfish consumption is never advised for high-risk individuals. If you're in this category, thoroughly cook fish and shellfish. The bacteria that live in these animals, like strains of Salmonella and E.
Many harmful microbes live in cattle guts, not the muscle where we get cuts of steak. But beef can be contaminated if a butcher punctures the digestive tract.
So steaks might have bacteria on the surface. How to Reduce Risks When Eating Raw Fish You can reduce the risk of getting sick from raw fish by buying it from a trusted fish market that follows FDA guidelines and handling it properly at home. Visually inspect fish when you buy it to make sure that it looks and smells healthy and fresh. Fish that smells extra fishy or sour is more likely to be infected by harmful bacteria. Store fish on ice in the refrigerator or in the freezer. Prepare and eat fish within 48 hours of purchase.
Bacteria can grow and multiply on fish even when it is refrigerated. If you cannot eat it within that timeframe, store it in your freezer. Bacteria multiply quicker at room temperature.