For a while there, it all seemed to be coming together. He'd appeared on television, he had his own comedy album, and he was selling out venues. All in all, Hedberg was at the height of his comedy career, when things took a turn for the worse. When he was found dead in his hotel room on March 30, , at the age of 37, people who'd been paying attention knew he'd called it in advance. Like a multitude of comedians and other performers, Hedberg had a serious drug problem.
The comedian's drug use was something he often joked about on stage. Paul, Minn. IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. But Mitch always considered it an art form; it was how he expressed himself. I was almost 30 when we got married. I was my own, fully grown individual. But Mitch showed me a way to look at the world just a little bit differently.
And I think his comedy did that for a lot of people. To me, Mitch was a wordsmith and he was really silly, which I love. He chose subjects that were timeless. He searched for an original voice of his own. In this way, Mitch was able to take an audience to a place where our world is looked at in a different, more magical way. I have severely improved my predicament. He gets concerned. He says, 'Mitch, don't use liquor as a crutch.
Liquor really screws up the way I walk. It ain't like a crutch.