Get Started Here:. Get Free Estimates! Glass Dictionary. An A-Z glossary of all things glass-related. Lookup Glass-Related Terms. Glass Detective. Need customized help on glass? Ask Glass Detective. Window Lock Types Explained. July 25, By: Jordan Scott. Table of Contents. Please note, this article may contain links to Amazon products. As an Amazon Associate, Glass. Related Posts:. A Guide to Farmhouse Mirrors. The Many Uses of Mirrors.
By Jordan Scott. Jordan is a voracious reader and has an extensive book collection. Jordan loves to travel and learn languages. When not abroad, she enjoys exploring new restaurants in her local Washington D. Twitter Facebook-f Linkedin-in Houzz Instagram. Close dialog. Session expired Please log in again. Lever Arm Sash Fasteners —The most traditional type of fastener, available in different widths to suit narrow or very wide wooden meeting rails.
A lever arm fitted to the upper meeting rail is held in place by an aligned keep. A lever arm fastener keeps the windows panels closed and in position. This type of fastener will not significantly reduce draughts or windproofing as it's not designed to pull the glazed panels together because traditionally, windows would often have shutters too. This type of fastener is perfect for refurbished, well maintained and correctly weighted windows with meeting rails of the same height.
Brighton Sash Fasteners — This fastener helps to pull the two meeting rails together using a screw mechanism and is tolerant to slightly different meeting rail heights between the upper and lower sashes. Claw Sash Fastener - As the name suggests uses a hook or claw connecting into a keep. Positioned in reverse to the lever arm fastener, the moving part is fixed to the front or lower meeting rail. This fastener moves through an eccentric arc, pulling the windows together tightly and working best with rails of equal height.
However, if the meeting rails are of significantly different heights or the windows are poorly weighted, a lot of pressure can be exerted through the fastener, leaving both the fastener and wooden rail prone to damage. Points to remember: All fastener types are available in locking and non-locking versions Fasteners are available in a variety of finishes Before purchasing fasteners, measure the width of your meeting rails to ensure your chosen item will fit Be aware of secondary or double glazing to ensure there is room for the fastener to be opened No fastener can compensate for poorly fitted or incorrectly weighted windows or completely reduce draughts and cold weather Sash Window Security.
Sash locks work independently of sash fasteners and even those that lock. Sash window locks also effectively stop the window from being opened from the outside. Sash Stops are fixed to the upper rail of the window and a small plate to the lower rail. For customers that do not have children to safeguard, but are concerned about security, we would recommend fitting the restrictors directly above the mid rail, so that if the bottom sash is forced open by an intruder with a crowbar for example , then the restrictors will prevent any further movement.
Yes, they sure are. Unlike sash window locks, restrictors require a key to open the window and therefore ensure a childproof sash window. There are a variety of sash restrictors on the market, all of which come with their own unique installation instructions.
It is very important that you purchase your restrictors from a reputable ironmongery supplier and avoid ones from sites like Amazon that can be flimsy and unreliable. We would recommend going to Mighton or Reddiseals. Some sash restrictors from these suppliers are easier to fit than others. Our preferred product is the MigStop from Mighton. Close and lock sash before starting installation. See Preventing crime in the garden, outbuildings and garage.
A dual screw comprises a full or half threaded bolt which is screwed through an internally threaded barrel fitted in the top of the lower sash into a simple hole in the bottom of the upper sash or in some cases into another threaded barrel. The fully threaded bolt is more expensive, but it is a more secure fitting. The cheaper, half threaded bolts can bend under force from a large lever, especially if the keep plate has not been fitted over the hole in the upper sash and both suffer from the problem of sash alignment if the window is poorly maintained or the timber swells and shrinks with the passing of the seasons.
If you want to improve the security of a modern timber sliding sash, the type that tilts inwards for cleaning, you will have to use the all threaded bolt to prevent the sashes from being forced upwards and inwards.
These locks should be fitted in pairs. These locks are fitted in pairs to the stiles of the upper sash and prevent the two sashes from sliding past each other. The locks can be fitted onto the upper sash about mm above the top of the lower sash to allow the windows to be opened a little way for some air without the worry of someone climbing in or two pairs can be fitted with the second pair fitted lower down to prevent any movement.
It is also possible to buy a three position sash stop that allows two open positions and one fully locked position.