The condition may also make it difficult to close the eye on the affected side of your face. Seek immediate medical help if you experience any type of paralysis because you may be having a stroke. Bell's palsy is not caused by a stroke, but it can cause similar symptoms. See your doctor if you experience facial weakness or drooping to find out the underlying cause and severity of the illness.
Although the exact reason Bell's palsy occurs isn't clear, it's often related to having a viral infection. Viruses that have been linked to Bell's palsy include viruses that cause:. In Bell's palsy, that nerve becomes inflamed and swollen — usually related to a viral infection. Besides facial muscles, the nerve affects tears, saliva, taste and a small bone in the middle of your ear. Recurrent attacks of Bell's palsy are rare.
But in some of these cases, there's a family history of recurrent attacks — suggesting a possible genetic predisposition to Bell's palsy.
A mild case of Bell's palsy normally disappears within a month. Recovery from a more severe case involving total paralysis varies. Complications may include:. Generally, a physician will examine the individual for upper and lower facial weakness. Routine laboratory or imaging studies are not necessary for most cases, but sometimes they can help to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other diseases that can cause facial weakness.
A test called electromyography EMG, which uses very thin wire electrodes that are inserted into a muscle to assess changes in electrical activity that occur during movement and when the muscle is at rest can confirm the presence of nerve damage and determine the severity and the extent of nerve involvement.
Blood tests can sometimes help in diagnosing other concurrent problems such as diabetes and certain infections. Diagnostic imaging using magnetic resonance imaging MRI or a computed tomography CT scan can rule out other structural causes of pressure on the facial nerve such as an artery compressing the nerve and also check the other nerves. In most instances, oral steroids should be started within 72 hours of symptom onset if possible, to increase the probability of good facial functional recovery.
Some individuals with co-existing conditions may not respond well to or be able to take steroid drugs. Antiviral agents in addition to steroids might increase the probability of recovery of facial function, although their benefit has not been clearly established. Analgesics such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may relieve pain.
Because of possible drug interactions, individuals taking prescription medicines should always talk to their doctors before taking any over-the-counter drugs.
Another important factor in treatment is eye protection. Bell's palsy can interrupt the eyelid's natural blinking ability, leaving the eye exposed to irritation and drying.
Keeping the eye moist and protecting it from debris and injury, especially at night, is important. Lubricating eye drops, such as artificial tears or eye ointments or gels, and eye patches are also effective. Other therapies such as physical therapy, facial massage, or acupuncture may provide a potential small improvement in facial nerve function and pain. In general, decompression surgery for Bell's palsy—to relieve pressure on the nerve—is controversial.
Bell's palsy. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. Bell's palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of the face, with young adults of either sex more susceptible for unknown reasons.
The facial nerve services the muscles of the face, the ear, salivary and tear glands, and provides some of the sensations of taste on the tongue. This nerve enters the skull via a small opening in the petrous temporal bone at the base of the skull. In Bell's palsy, the facial nerve swells and the resulting inflammation disrupts the relay of nervous system messages. The paralysis can be partial or total. It is thought that the inflammation and swelling of the facial nerve is caused by some type of viral infection or autoimmune system response.
Bell's palsy is characterised by a droopy appearance around the eye and mouth on the affected side of the face. It is caused by swelling of the facial nerve at the point where it passes through a small opening in the skull.
Your doctor will first perform a physical examination to determine the extent of the weakness in your facial muscles. These tests may include blood tests to check for the presence of a bacterial or viral infection. However, it can take several weeks or months for the muscles in your face to regain their normal strength. These include the following:. Recovery time may vary depending on the severity of nerve damage. In general, however, people can see an improvement within two weeks after the initial onset of symptoms.
In rare cases, symptoms may continue to return or may be permanent. Prompt treatment can help speed up your recovery time and prevent any complications. The ailment can affect 1 in 60 people during their lifetime.