What about those with 'bumpers'. Is the mic covered or is there a little pin hole? There are a lot of different cases and bumpers, but if any of them are covering the microphone holes, that would be, as my year-old says, an epic fail. Thank you for Constructive Criticism. A concern and objection that are supportive and, I reapeat, constructive. You know, I'm still wondering why the iPhone doesn't go into speakerphone mode automagically when you take it from your ear and vice versa.
There are enough sensors in the iPhone that can detect that and make using the phone a lot easier. Ironically, when Matt and I were testing some of this stuff, for a short while we thought that might in fact be happening - it seemed to once, but then we couldn't reproduce. I must have just grazed the Speaker button with my finger at some point.
Automatically going into speakerphone mode? Sounds like a recipe for trouble. Here's a scenario: Joe on iPhone : Bob, hang on a sec, let me check with Mary. Bob through iPhone speaker : Joe, you know I can hear you, right? But that's a problem already, since covering the bottom doesn't cover the top, which is still listening. The more fool Joe for not knowing about the Mute button!
Hence the advice in the article to use a headset. Thank you for this tip. My iPhone experience so far has made me sad. I have had difficulty with almost every call. Hopefully this will help at least in part. Share Facebook Twitter Reddit. Email Address. Chris Jennings. There actually is a page iPhone User Guide, though it doesn't include this bit of info. David K. Matt Neuburg. John Baxter. If you don't hear your voice clearly, contact Apple Support.
If people can't hear you when you're using speakerphone Open the Camera app. Record a video while speaking at the top of your iPhone. Tap the camera chooser to switch to the other camera. Then record another video while speaking at the top of your iPhone. Without functioning microphones, you will not be able to make phone calls or FaceTime calls, or Siri will not be able to detect your voice.
The microphone is a small hole, embedded in a pinhole. This is why it may not be easy to locate. Integrated, or built-in, microphones are often found at the top of the display and at the bottom of your iPhone. You can also buy and use an external microphone. The top one is for noise cancellation. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. Where's iPhone 7 microphone located? Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Active 4 years, 3 months ago. Viewed k times.
Improve this question. The answer is already in the question and in the image , what exactly are you asking? Having a microphone and speaker so close creates a loop between output and input audio sound coming out from speakers enters again via microphone and creates oscillation. Basically I'm looking for a confirmation of the said image. Can anyone confirm that left grill has no speakers and that right grill has speaker and microphone that close one to another.