It can come in the form of tablets, capsules, or white powder. Users may swallow, snort, or inject mephedrone, but snorting is the most common way of taking the drug. Users of mephedrone say that it gives a feeling of stimulation, and that it boosts the following functions:. People using mephedrone report that the effects of mephedrone last about an hour. They are similar to a combination of ecstasy and cocaine. Mephedrone is a recreational drug without any medical application.
Many users believe that its occasional use is not habit-forming, but this has not been proven. Methadone is a pharmaceutical medication. It is a synthetic opiate used as a very powerful painkiller to treat people who are addicted to heroin.
This medicaton is a legal substitute for heroin in treatment programs, and is given to patients in the form of a green liquid at drug treatment clinics. Research has indicated that prolonged use of mephedrone can lead to paranoia , depression , hallucinations, and severe panic attacks , as well as adverse effects on the heart, arteries, and kidneys.
Excessive stimulation of the CNS can lead to headaches , insomnia , and a rapid heartbeat. People who snort the drug may have nosebleeds and damage to the tissues and structures inside the nose. The drug can cause grinding of the teeth, nausea, vomiting, and a suppressed appetite. It has also been linked to impotence. A number of deaths have been linked to use of the drug. Growing numbers of people are injecting the drug.
This involves a risk of infection, for example with hepatitis C or HIV , or damage to veins, leading to an abscess, a blood clot, or gangrene. Unlike many other recreational drugs, such as amphetamines and ecstasy, mephedrone was not first developed as a medicine but in backstreet laboratories. Use of any drug always carries some risk. Mephedrone has been linked to some deaths in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe.
Injecting mephedrone can cause soft tissue and vascular damage. If a large amount of mephedrone is consumed, it could cause an overdose. If any of the following effects are experienced, an ambulance should be called immediately by dialing triple zero The effects of taking mephedrone with other drugs — including over-the-counter or prescribed medications — can be unpredictable and dangerous.
The following combinations could have the following effects:. Giving up mephedrone after using it for a long time can be challenging because the body has to get used to functioning normally without it. Not sure what you are looking for? Stimulants like mephedrone increase attention, alertness and energy.
Signs of drug addiction include craving stimulants, continued use despite knowing the consequences and failed attempts to quit addictive substances.
Substance use disorder is a clinical term used to diagnose substance abuse and substance addiction. It is caused by continuous use of drugs or alcohol, which transforms to distress or functional impairment, such as failure to complete school work or neglecting to care for yourself or fulfil certain responsibilities.
Mephedrone usage is common amongst young people who are party goers, especially gay and bisexual men, where there is a higher prevalence of use. Many users continue to use mephedrone, despite the ban and price increase, which has led researchers to conclude that there might be a growing addiction to mephedrone among young adults in the UK. Currently, mephedrone ranks second to cocaine as the drug of choice among young people aged Other side effects include damage to veins, blood clots and abscesses.
The risk of overdose is higher for those snorting it and the side effects can be serious. Signs to look for include:. Like all stimulant drugs, when it is abused, there are visible signs you can look out for. Signs of mephedrone use include:.
Sometimes, it is mixed with other illicit drugs and alcohol to increase potency. Physical symptoms of abuse include seizures, respiratory problems, overheating, reduced appetite, headaches, grinding of teeth, palpitations, vomiting and agitation.
The psychological side effects of using mephedrone are what lead to drug dependence. Prolonged use limits the brain from producing serotonin and leads to depression, damaged memory, psychotic behaviour, vertigo and hallucinations. You increase the risks to yourself, including the risk of death, if you combine alcohol with mephedrone or any other drug that causes a high. Some users have reported a strong psychological dependence to the drug, which can lead to the user taking increasing amounts.
Supplying someone else, even your friends, can get you up to 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both. Like drink-driving, driving when high is dangerous and illegal.
If the police catch people supplying illegal drugs in a home, club, bar or hostel, they can potentially prosecute the landlord, club owner or any other person concerned in the management of the premises. If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking drugs or drinking, call for an ambulance.
Tell the crew everything you know. It could save their life. How it looks, tastes and smells What does it look like?
A very fine white powder A very fine off-white or yellowish powder Mephedrone was first sold over the internet as an alternative to drugs like speed, ecstasy and cocaine.