Japan how can we help

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To address this, in the Government of Japan funded the construction of a river port on the White Nile. The new port provides off-loading facilities and storage space, enabling aid agencies to deliver much-needed humanitarian material, including food and nutrition supplies. Masahiko Kiya. The project has improved access to safe water in East and West Darfur. The Darfur region faces many challenges, including severe water shortage.

Ongoing population growth in peri-urban areas has increased pressure on the water supply and infrastructure. To improve water security for residents in West and East Darfur, Japan funded an emergency intervention project. In East Darfur, water facilities — including separate water stations for people and animals to prevent water-borne diseases, as well as surrounding walls — and six damaged water yards were rehabilitated, all for the benefit of 50, people.

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See pictures of the Japan earthquake. Many in Japan did not make it out, and many more still face an uncertain future. We are dedicated to protecting dolphins and whales, but now is the time for us all to help our dear friends in Japan with their terrible ordeal. Our Campaign is not about hate, but about helping dolphins and the people of Japan.


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