Miles how much petrol

The calculation for vehicles powered solely by petrol, diesel or electricity is relatively straightforward as the official test data is widely published in the public domain, and real-world correction factors are well-known given the availability of large data sets generated by vehicles driven on real roads.

The data sourcing and calculation for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is more complex, as they can be simultaneously powered by electricity and petrol or diesel. For the real-world estimate of fuel costs for PHEVs, the calculation assumes that the vehicle is driven for half the distance in EV-mode and half using a conventional fuel. Select car 1. Select manufacturer Select model Select model description Change - cc 0 litre -. Ready to calculate? Calculate fuel cost. SK On to build another battery plant in China.

But tuning the car engine is often done to increase horsepower — that's not the way to save on fuel. Make sure the tuner gets the message.

Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average of 4 percent — this amount will vary depending on the nature of the repair. Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40 percent.

Placing ornaments and ground effects, aerodynamics kits, and airfoils, such as deck-lid spoilers, may make you feel good, but they also increase the car's drag and make it require more fuel.

Such accessories offer no real handling enhancements, although they may look nice on your car. Also, place signs or cargo on the roof so that the object angles forward. This will reduce the frontal area of the object, and it will cause less drag, and cause you to use less fuel. Make sure the tires are inflated to the right levels. Properly inflated tires can reduce fuel consumption by up to 3 percent.

Your tires also lose about 1 PSI per month, and when the tires are cold e. It is recommended to check tires at least monthly, preferably weekly. Having properly inflated tires will also help you avoid uneven wear on the tread.

Gas stations don't always have accurate equipment for this purpose. Sometimes gas stations use automatic air compressors that stop at a pre-determined level. To make sure you inflate to the right level, double-check pressure with your own gauge. Recommended inflation pressures are for cold tires; put about 3 PSI more in if the tires have been driven on a while. Inflate to the pressure recommended by the car manufacturer, not to the level stamped on the tire. Gas mileage will improve by 1 percent to 2 percent if you use the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil.

Fuel cost calculator Plan ahead for any journey. Amanda Bathory-Griffiths Updated 6 November 4 min read. Home Car insurance Fuel price calculator. Compare and save on your car insurance Start a quote. Number of miles for the journey Please fill in this field. Fuel price per litre in pence Please fill in this field. Vehicles average miles per gallon Please fill in this field.

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