This site is best viewed while logged in. Top Solutions. In order to get this working you will have to either upda You can make inquiries regarding your problem on their site.
But, as for my experience, I do also experienced the same problem that you have Add your answer. Suggested Solutions 10 What's this? In order to get this working you will have to either update the Webcam Driver or re-install the same. Try configuring the device on your messenger service. Open the messenger and at the tool bar, click on messenger, preferences and then connection.
With webcam still running, go again to messenger, preferences, webcam and camera source and set webcam to default. At camera settings adjust settings to suit. Was this answer helpful? Yes No.
This answer closely relates to:. But, as for my experience, I do also experienced the same problem that you have. However, even if you are a registered user, their broadcast feature seems not a stable one. However, even if you are a registered user, their broadcast feature seems not a stable one.
I either used Skype or Google Talk when doing some broadcasting stuffs. Was this answer helpful? Yes No. This answer closely relates to:. No, every one you add in the Broadcast shall receive a message with the text you type in the broad cast, but non of them will know to whom else you sent it to. I have no clue man :. You might need to reinstall your chrome or try firefox or opera. Anonymous 0. I guess its the browser ill just use internet explorer.
Go to technical shop in your country or mobile services. Tell him you have something important to show him c:. This girl keeps calling me sweetcheeks? What do you mean by enableing? This discussion closely relates to:. Can you help us by answering one of these related questions?
We need your help! It acts like it is a whole picture. I can't even close it after I open it. I have to click "allow" button but I can't. I'd suggest to install Google Chrome to get access to the Adobe Flash player settings.
Ubuntu Community Ask! Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Can't handle tinychat broadcasting option Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. David and I will be broadcasting our voices only out to the web for you to enjoy. Just make it your Wizard name! Simple, people. But on other webcam broadcasting websites, I can.
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