You should not have a lot of trouble with any of the story encounters at any level, unless Bethesda meant for that particular part of the story to be hard like the part leading to the final encounter. One thing to keep in mind though, is that while enemy stats scale with the player's level in a way, things still can be made easier with equipment and spells.
In other words, a character with top-tier equipment and lots of spells will have an easier job killing Alduin at level 30 than a character with cloth armor and no spells at level When you go to Whiterun, all you gotta do is pull a lever to trap a dragon.
After that, you can enjoy a little ride. I think you should be fine — I was level 32 when I did it. The best thing to do is save excessively, try it, if you fail, then grind to improve some skills. Trial and error is the best option — besides, you may find that on your first try you succeed. I was level 28 when I killed Alduin, But I had full Daedric armour, which had been buffed to more than armour points, and twin Daedric Swords dealing about damage each. You don't need to have a certain level, just skill up and use proper equiment for it!
You can stack potion effects you know, so multiple Draught of the Blacksmith and enchanting bonuses would really help in getting almost over-powered gear easily.
The best advice when playing Skyrim is dont put all your skill points in crafting and running. If you are level 28 and all you have done is Blocked your way through the game and craft, your going to be crap at fighting any of the Monsters and dishing out offensive.
Spread your points. When resurrecting other dragons, Alduin can be spotted from a distance, and more easily heard thanks to his roars. It's easy to distinguish Alduin from other dragons, as he will stay far in the distance, flying around, unlike normal wild dragons who will fly right to you. Alduin won't leave this location until you approach [ verification needed ] , and as soon as you get close enough, he will say " dragon name zil gro dovah ulse!
A new dragon will appear having been resurrected and respond to Alduin, after which Alduin flies away and the resurrected dragon attacks you. It is possible to interrupt the resurrection by attacking Alduin, which causes him to become hostile and fly away [ verification needed ]. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Now he is about to die but I paused before killing him, It was a very disappointing fight, it didn't last longer than like 2 minutes.
If I reload and come back after at a higher level will he be more challenging? The main reason is, I wanted to use lightning storm to kill alduin and I haven't even got expert spells yet lol.
Well thats prity much all of the quest lines but there are way more side quests to get them just explore. Hope this helped ; User Info: Indianawinny. That is the end of the main quest line, but not the end of the game. Skyrim is a HUGE place. Just talk to people around Windhelm and other populated areas and you are bound to find other quests to do. Exploring Skyrim itself might be another thing to do. You can also buy the DLC for more quests if you don't like the onces you have in the game.
There is so much to do! That is what makes this game so great!