What do pit bulls hate

Pit bulls have a bad reputation. However, they are still incredibly popular dogs, and many have come to their defense, arguing that bad guardians are to blame for dog behavior, not inherent violence in the breed. So, what do most people think?

This survey attempted to find that out. The paper begins with some background, noting that pit bulls were once prized as gentle, protective family companions, while breeds like German Shepherds GSDs and Dobermans were portrayed as vicious killers.

Furthermore, the authors note that the incidence of fatal dog attacks on children in the U. Put simply, dogs are not a major threat to American children. In any case, pit bulls do not display aggressive or violent behavior at abnormally high rates compared to other breeds. Ask the person next to you how they go up to an unknown dog… I bet they run up, squealling, flailing their arms in excitement, talking baby talk and patting the dog on the top of the head.

Be calm, ignore the dog. Ask the owner if you can pet it. Talk normal. Place you hand in front of its nose so he can smell you. Then place your hand under his chin to pet him. Dogs are like people in some ways. Why is it wrong if we do that? But you should know how to act, too. Why not at least try? You should be. Because you will. Given half a chance, we will change your mind about us. But you have no desire whatsoever to give us that chance.

You hate everything and everyone that stands up for us. You think they should be shut down along with us being killed. But why? They are helping us - when no one else will. Do we not deserve the help? They are working with those of us that may have issues - man made issues… Issues you gave us by breeding inferior dogs or by condemning us in your cities or towns so that our owners had to give us up. Sometimes we ended up on the streets, left to die of starvation; sometimes low lifes got us and fed us gunpowder or shot us up with meth to make us meaner; sometimes - the lucky ones, died in shelters.

But, sometimes - we were rescued. Thank you for having a hand in killing us. Maybe your breed is next. Did you know you are supporting aggressive behavior? Pit bull rescues do not support aggressive behavior at all. That makes them better than you, in my eyes. But you hate them. And us. Why are you so superior? So why condemn those that do everything they can to help us be better dogs?

There have been many highs and lows, they have come through so much, and they are still with us. They will always be a powerful symbol. For people who are thinking of getting a pit bull, I would say, focus on the individual dog in front of you. Find the dog that is right for you and works for your lifestyle. Be aware, you may face some issues with housing and insurance.

But, by focusing on the dog in front of you, you will make the best choice. Simon Worrall curates Book Talk. Follow him on Twitter or at simonworrallauthor. All rights reserved. Share Tweet Email. Why it's so hard to treat pain in infants.

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All but 11 were pit bulls. Supporters say pit bulls are getting a bad rap. But there is a growing backlash against the idea that pit bulls are more violent than other dogs. Why do pointing dogs point? Pit bulls are especially popular in Louisiana and Mississippi, and many of the volunteers responding to Hurricane Katrina found themselves saving stranded dogs.

Most of the pit bulls they saved had been kept inside and behaved well around the rescuers, Clifton said, because they knew their survival depended on it. Clifton said that many of the volunteers, who had very little experience with dog rescue, became attached to the breed and involved in pit-bull advocacy.

That movement helped encourage more people to adopt pit bulls as lack of sterilization caused the population to grow. There will be one in every school.


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