What do ufos want with us

The unclassified report was demanded by Congress after numerous reports from the US military of vehicles seen moving erratically in the sky. It also follows a cultural shift that saw the US military and US political leadership go from extra-terrestrial-sceptic to ET-curious. But with little conclusive evidence to confirm or deny any intergalactic visitations, it remains to be seen whether any earthling minds will change.

Military leaders warn that the technology, if not alien, may belong to US adversaries such as Russia or China. The UAP task force's unclassified report found "no clear indications that there is any non-terrestrial explanation" for the aircrafts, but also did not rule it out.

Possible explanations included common aerial objects like birds and drones, atmospheric phenomena such as ice crystals, new developments by US government or private entities, and technologies deployed by foreign adversaries. The report also includes a catch-all "other" category. Officials examined incidents from the past two decades, including three videos that the Pentagon declassified last year and described as showing "unexplained aerial phenomena".

Although no earth-shattering revelations emerged, the existence of a government report on a much-ridiculed issue shows how UFOs have beamed out of the realm of purely science fiction pop culture and into the world of US national security. The Pentagon established the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force last August to look into observations of unknown flying aircrafts. The group's job was to "detect, analyse and catalogue" these events, as well as to "gain insight" into the "nature and origins" of UFOs, the Pentagon said.

A classified version of its report was provided to lawmakers earlier this month. It is therefore an opportune time for the scientific community to take a closer look at UFOs by collecting and analyzing new data with the finest instruments and computers in a controlled setup. The new data can be obtained by measurement devices with capabilities far exceeding the equipment that provided past UFO data.

A fresh scientific study that offers reproducible evidence for UFO sightings and resolves their nature would demonstrate the power of science in answering a question that is clearly of great interest to the public. Currently, the UFO mystery surrounding the expected inconclusive interpretation of the Pentagon report will fuel unsubstantiated speculations. A decisive scientific experiment holds the promise of clearing up the fog. The required instrumentation will likely involve state-of-the-art cameras on wide-field telescopes that scan the sky.

The data stream would be processed by an advanced computer system that will store only the essential variable features. The focus on near-field aerial phenomena that move fast across the sky is different from astronomical surveys of distant sources, such as the upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time LSST on the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. Irrespective of whether the origin of UFOs is terrestrial or extraterrestrial, we will learn something new and exciting from studying them scientifically.

And it is not just the hardware that will interest us. It is the meaning behind its existence—the intent of those who manufactured it. Unidentified flying objects UFOs have captured the public's attention over the decades.

As exoplanet detection is on the rise, why not consider that star-hopping visitors from afar might be buzzing through our friendly skies by taking an interstellar off-ramp to Earth? On the other hand, could those piloting UFOs be us — our future progeny that have mastered the landscape of time and space?

Perhaps those reports of people coming into contact with strange beings represent our distant human descendants, returning from the future to study us in their own evolutionary past.

The idea of us being them has been advanced before. The book was written by Michael Masters, a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Technological University in Butte. Masters thinks that — given the accelerating pace of change in science, technology, and engineering — it is likely that humans of the distant future could develop the knowledge and machinery necessary to return to the past.

The objective of the book, Masters said, is to spur a new and more informed discussion among believers and skeptics alike. There's something going on here, and we should be having a conversation about this. We should be at the forefront of trying to find out what it is. We have been weighed measured and deemed unfit to process this information by the ruling classes Little more than mushrooms kept in the dark and fed crap.

Trillions of Tax dollars spent on Dark gov projects home grown or external finally coming to fruition , aliens scouts, Ancient inner earth race, Atlantans coming back up for air , remnants of a resurgent Nazi party take your pick which is easier for you to process, which will help you sleep better tonight take your pick because I believe the truth will only ever be known when a government crumbles and breaks rank in a bid to buy back the trust of its subordinates!

Author should do some fact checking here. A lot of people have speculated, that more Advanced Extraterrestrial life forms, would view us like we view Animals here on Earth; as less Advanced life forms, to VIEW and monitor our behavior and Habits; like the way we Montinor and Track Animals behavior in the wild. This is a very good Theory. Because like how we Montinor and Track animal Behavior in the wild; and even implant Tracking devices on Animals, to track their behavior patterns; a much more Advanced life form, might look at us as a Experiment, to Observe our Progress and Behavior; and Not really want to interfere with us in order to Contaminate the Experiment.

That is why, there is probably very little Contact or Landing of these UFOs, from these possible Extraterrestrial life forms. They are Monitoring us as a Species. And another point. We have No idea, how other Intelligence life forms might Think or behave, or how Advanced their Technologies could be! The whole animal metaphor to me is silly. We do track and tag animals we think we are much smarter than, but we have yet to track one that figured out how to split the atom!

You now can leverage the power to blow up a planet. If you couple that with the balls and desire we showed to get beyond our skies into the vacuum of space and land on the moon using incredibly crude and dangerous techniques that they would know-we would know could kill us in a second-yet we went and came back anyway-I have to conclude, that even an incredibly advanced civilization would have to take stock of the long term implications of where that road could eventually lead.

If they are really here and revealing themselves to us, its not to perform biology experiments which they can do anywhere, It may just be time for us to begin to understand the true nature of the wilderness, the final wilderness, that envelopes us.

I like the direction your response is taking, Windell. The only rhing I would add to it would be that once we have the technology to leave the bounds of our own solar system, there will be an endless amount of realities we shall discover to equal the lack of boundaries we will discover existing to stop our discoveries. Also Fitbit unidentified Ariel phenomenon is technology from a adversary Nation and its electronic warfare devices or delivery systems as suggested by one of the authors why did they let the planes electronics and radar and cameras observe them?

And I question the wisdom of assuming that anything that is not from Earth or biologically familiar to us has to be hostile and dangerous.

Fine Kenny, but do our animals have nuclear weapons? Plus activated Russian silos too. I feel someone is checking us out… After seeing a large silver sphere craft hovering silently above the house across the street from my house, it is obvious these varying craft or UFOs are not just watching military activities. Why would it bother observing a normal boring suburban area? The Nimitz incident is just the first officially recognized encounter — but from reading other stories it seems there have been many more before and since this encounter.

If it is new technology then why were there incidents earlier on back in the s and earlier such as the Westall School sighting where witnesses said three craft were performing manoeuvres very similar to the Tic tac UFOs. I doubt that kind of human technology would have existed back then. Personally I think there are just too many reports to dismiss these as being just from earth… somebody is telling porkies!

Westall School in a suburb of Melbourne Australia was a very interesting situation where there were so many witnesses. Saw a UFO one afternoon about early June before dusk fly low over the trees in front of me plus other cars and across the highway about 30 kms south of Nowra NSW.

Australia It had a red and green light either side but in between so many very bright while lights I could not determine the shape of the craft. You can listen to an interview with him on lex-Fridman. This is a concerning event. I would recommend reading Dr. There is some excellent analysis out there and I wonder what the true objective of this unbiased article is. It could be inter-dimensional or time-travelers, space-travelers or simply some unknown natural occurrence such as particles observed to pop in and out of existence at the quantum level.

Most scientists agree that the universe started with the big bang around 14or so billion years ago,therefore logically any sort of life would have started about the same time give or take a. Couple of million years therefore if they evolved on a similar time scale to us their technology would not have advanced that much more than us or even less.

Reason no tangible proof that you could identify as alien. No photos that you can rely on as hard evidence,and no obvious signals that would prove extra terrestrial communication. Set I have been scanning the skies for at least forty years;nothing tangible. I would be extremely surprised if they find any life anywhere in space except contamination from earth. The evidence or lack of it bears this out. Slight correction Keith, humans have only been here, or started to evolve about 5 million years ago, and around , years in our present form.

So another species could have started many millions of years before us, AND achieved that advanced technology that we see today. There is no reason alien development started similar to us, far from it. Myself, like most scientists now believe the universe may well be teaming with life, but most possibly far different to us. There are many planets, 6 billion estimate currently that are earth like. How about the rarity of life in the universe being a bit more interesting than some white painted shack?

If some of these UFOs are actually from another planet they react to us exactly as they should, like we run away when wasps show up. Indeed, the title is completely wrong. The gov. Your headline is incorrect. Similarly they have no evidence that the technology is terrestrial. Why bother writing anything if you have no interesting in learning even the basic information required for discourse? Instead, we need to start refining our framework of the world based on the raw data, rather than what currently makes sense to us.

The reality is that multiple highly credible witnesses, both civilian and military, corroborated by the latest in radar, surveillance and tracking technologies, have observed craft making 90 degree turns on a dime, at speeds approaching 13, MPH. Who cares what our insignificant governments think, we are not alone and recent history confirms that fact. I think if extraterrestrials had the technologies to travel light years in through space they would have no reason to fear our technology because compared to theres it would be simple in comparison.

Humans have massive egos and think we are the best.. The government has lied to the public for so long its more likely that they would lie than be truthful.. I strongly believe in the probability of extraterrestrials because all you need to do is look at the massive amount of money the government spent trying to convince us its impossible when in reality its very likely humans are not the only species and for that matter we kill our own kind for pointle reasons and i hope they may be here to teach us a better way of living.

We are the only species that intentionally kill eachother on a massive scale over money. I call that a not so intelligent species. These are scientists? They are making conclusions that these are not alien vehicles, yet they have no evidence to rule that out, and no evidence to support that it is man-made technology either. Every possibility should be on the table and studied without bias.

There are dozens of Airforce pilots who are trained to observe and identify threats who have made made observations of these craft which are confirmed with radar data. The craft are reported to have no observable propulsion systems, no wings or rotors, and instant acceleration beyond anything currently possible.

To diminish the observations of trained Airforce pilots and claim that these are just glitches in our radar is not only an insult to the pilots but leaving out half the equation. The only nefarious explanation would be that this is a psyops operation by the US military and the pilots are part of a plan feed disinformation to an adversary, or an attempt to secure government funding for another black budget project. Seems unlikely, but that should be on the table too.

This article is embarrassing. From the headline through the body, it extrapolates false conclusions from the forthcoming pentagon report.

Exceptionally misleading title and commentary. This is rudimentary science here, folks. Like a rogue family member nobody wants to talk about! Luis Elizondo recently revealed reports of Tic-Tac shaped objects being observed by pilots over many decades ago so clearly this rules out Chinese or Russian tech.

Quantum leaps in paradigm changes are difficult. Why not embrace what is on display here — discover new technology, extend physics, see ourselves as one species in some kind of extended culture in the universe? The headline to this is misleading. Click bait story that is not factual or accurate at all. No one has ruled out extraterrestrials yet. This article give the exact opposite impression of what has been said by the Pentagon.

The preliminary look at the government report stated, there was no direct evidence to say one way or another. This itself is a spin; then you guys distorted the message even further.

Debating another more intelligent point: it could be electronic warfare, but not in cases where multiple fighter jets from multiple angles had direct visuals on a ufo and can describe it as metalic and solid. That is NOT electronic warfare.

Read the conclusion from the French GEPAN report of stating this is a very real phenomenon that is very likely not man made. Listen to our military pilots and astronaut reports, the TRUE professionally trained and experienced folks making these reports.

The machine fighting to keep the status quo narrative is wobbling and its embarrassing. This headline is wrong. The government said no such thing. It has no evidence one way or the other.

Please fix your misleading headline and practice journalistic integrity. Of the many articles that I read about the upcoming UAP report, this article is for sure one of the worst I have read. Both the writer and the people that he interviews have not done their homework and as a result make stupid comments. Ask yourself this question? The fighters could have easily armed their weapons and fired. Fear of retaliation by who? If it were Russian or Chinese blow it out of the sky and ask questions later.

We believed it to be a hostile threat. They know this? We now have a Space Force? They fear what is out there. Objects making similar impossible maneuvers…well, the sightings on those goes back to the days when we used vacuum tubes in radios.

But with more pressure from the public to explain them rationally, and a huge uptick in interest in gathering the information necessary to do that…an explanation is going to show itself sooner or later. Misleading article, the title is false. Try again. I came from a little Island call Barbados, and I was about 7years old. Me and my sister were out in our yard taking clothing off the line from washing we heard a sharp hissing coming towards us it came from above ,we look up and saw two round disc looking dark shapes flying behind each other,we never saw anything moving so fast in our lives.

And later other people were saying they just saw two flying saucers. And people spoke for weeks I am 85yearsnow and have never saw anything like it again but I know it was not seen since. Sound ridiculous? According to the Book of Revelation the most destructive plagues are about to come to this earth. A result of choices we human beings are making. And according to Revelation Chapter 13, a man human being will arise just when things get desperate, to promise peace and order for the whole world.

You are right on. These supposed aliens are simply fallen angels and have been here a very long time. They are interdeminsional and preparing for the great deception. Everyone will welcome them for hope in our upcoming upset world.. Stars die all the time and for civilizations hoping to survive this natural process, they would not simply wait for death if there were other alternatives.

Just go figure the numbers… millions of elder civilizations searching for new homes among the stars. So now, for good or ill, they cohabit with us. Likewise most of us too! I am not sure their current low profile posture is in any way negotiable. As a species we might not rate as intelligent life, we may only rate as being very dangerous wildlife.


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