What about when splitting the standard keyboard into two down the middle one part for each hand, or finger… — do your methods result in similar the the other alternative well known layouts not designed for type writers…. Like Like. The Dvorak keyboard was more efficient for the English language; developed in Oregon and used in their government offices. I was a Career and Technical Education teacher. I took a keyboarding class and was able to get to 55 wpm in a half hour lesson.
So I suggest some further work to look at the most common two- or three-letter words and ensure that any new layout sufficiently disambiguates between them. That too would save megawatts of thumb travel. This also briefly goes into the question of how easily the keyboard confuses paths of different words.
Thank you! Thank you. For two handed typing what matters by far the most is how often you have to alternate between hands, with distance within hand being secondary. Clustering vowels in the middle because they happen to be near to the other hand is useless for touch typists. A few years ago I thought about a similar problem for an old s typewriter I found in a museum. It had a single dial used to select the next letter to print. It turns out that the arrangement on the actual typewriter was NOT optimal!
You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. We can plot the distance between every pair of letters: In this plot, darker colours correspond to greater distances.
Just as a sanity check, we can plot the average distance from each letter to all of the other letters: You might look at this and think that it is fine for Q to be right out at the edge of the keyboard, as it is used infrequently, but maybe it would be better if A were a bit closer to the centre, as it is used much more frequently. Calculating average word distances We have two important quantities here: A letter transition matrix counting the probability of transitioning between letters.
This is only a function of the language, here English. A letter distance matrix containing the physical distance between letters.
Learning T9 wasn't so hard. And I believe that the muscle memory for typing and swyping is totally different, at least based on my anecdotal evidence: I've used Dvorak on all my computers for about 10 years, but my phones are still QWERTY. I've tried switching my phone to Dvorak, but found that the typos were much worse because dvorak clusters all the most used letters on home row, which is close to the "worst" swype layout in the article.
For the times I tried Dvorak on the phone, retraining myself was indeed cumbersome, but I don't think it was too bad. I thought that it would be easier, since I had Dvorak in my brain, but the muscle memory for hitting a key with a certain finger moving a certain direction is totally different from swiping or taping a certain location on the screen.
I'm the same - I have been using Dvorak for twelve years, but that's all about muscle memory with both hands, I struggle to type with it without two hands in place.
I'm much faster at Swyping on a QWERTY keyboard, though, because it's a different paradigm entirely - it's more about movement than keypress. I use dvorak on all my computers, but in my experience dvorak on the phone is terrible because the vowels are clumped together. Being used to qwerty you and I would probably take months, maybe even a few years to get used to change. But people who are only now getting into tech and kids can learn this layout as a first layout.
Within a generation, it's possible to have people using entirely this ultra-efficient keyboard. IMHO, the only downside, is that it does not take into consideration non-english. Nexxxeh on April 11, parent prev next [—].
I'm a SwiftKey user but I rarely use the integrated Swype because the prediction engine is ridiculous. It usually predicts what I'm going to say in two letters per word. It can be logged into your Twitter, Facebook and Email iirc to learn your sentence patterns. It feels slightly creepy but it's unnerving in its accuracy.
Maybe I just say the same stuff a lot? But it's not a problem when using Swype. I think this is because you're looking at the keyboard anyway. My guess is that whatever layout you use, it won't be hard to memorize when it's right in front of your face as you use it.
It also focussed much more on shape, with the intention being that once you were expert, you could write words without looking at the keyboard, as the layout was just for guidance. You didn't actually have to start on the letter as long as the shape was right. Everything since has been strictly worse for me. I honestly wrote that entire section just so that I could work that quote in NoGravitas on April 13, prev next [—].
The article and the paper are a nice find that I plan to share on the Colemak forum. One thing I've found is that a layout that is highly optimized for touch typing is terrible for swiping. I touch-type Colemak on hardware keyboards; for those who don't know, it's a layout optimized for fast and ergonomic typing in English there are variants for some other languages , without being as different from QWERTY as Dvorak is.
SwiftKey supports Colemak out of the box for English, so I tried it. I normally use SwiftKey Flow for writing long bits of text on my tablet. My experience with Flow and Colemak was that the rate of errors was much higher -- there were far more ambiguities, mainly because many of the most common letters are on the home row arst neio , and so you're often just swiping back and forth across the home row, which could mean anything.
You also end up having to swipe farther, because of more lateral movement from one end of the keyboard to the other, and less top-to-bottom movement. I'd be interested in hearing the experiences of anyone who's tried swiping on a Dvorak layout. One final note, if anyone hasn't seen MessageEase, they should check it out.
It's a compelely different model for typing that involves a very compact and optimized layout to minimize finger movement, as well as a mixture of tapping and swiping. If it had the benefit of SwiftKey's language model, I'd use it for everything, but as it stands, I use it mainly where completion is not available e. I had to go back to qwerty though because it was too much overhead to get the layout on every device I use. I definitely noticed an improvement in ergonomics.
My current project is building an Atreus keyboard[2] which will have the QGMLWY layout in hardware, hopefully bypassing all the compatibility issues. This was really cool! I realize there are many DoF in this so pure optimization likely wouldn't solve it, but I'd like to see an optimization on the form of the keyboard itself in addition to just the ordering of the keys like minuum? Analog24 on April 10, parent next [—]. Technically it could be done and the framework we wrote allows you to create keyboards of any geometry but, as you already pointed out, the number of possible keyboards blows up with every extra parameter you add.
Plus this would be even worse for geometric parameters that have a continuous spectrum of possible values.
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