Since the transcripts are the products of transcribed or 'active' genes we can also use this sequence information in multiple sequence alignments using transcriptome sequence from different individuals - for example the parents of a mapping population. We use computer software to scan the multiple sequence alignments for single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs.
The SNPs identified can then be used to construct a panel of markers that differentiate between the two parental lines. These SNPs can then be used to screen members of a mapping population derived from the cross between the two parental lines.
For the instructions to be carried out, DNA must be "read" and transcribed - in other words, copied - into RNA ribonucleic acid. These gene readouts are called transcripts, and a transcriptome is a collection of all the gene readouts present in a cell.
There are various kinds of RNA. In this process: mRNA is transcribed from genes; then the mRNA transcripts are delivered to ribosomes , the molecular machines located in the cell's cytoplasm; then the ribosomes read, or "translate," the sequence of chemical letters in the mRNA and assemble building blocks called amino acids into proteins. Such transcripts may serve to influence cell structure and to regulate genes.
Consequently, by analyzing the entire collection of RNA sequences in a cell the transcriptome researchers can determine when and where each gene is turned on or off in the cells and tissues of an organism. Depending on the technique used, it is often possible to count the number of transcripts to determine the amount of gene activity - also called gene expression - in a certain cell or tissue type.
Whilst RNA-seq has the potential to itself be a powerful tool for diagnosing certain conditions, it is not ready to be used routinely on patients and its utility remains to be assessed. The , Genomes Project has retained some samples for future transcriptome analysis, which should inform the future clinical implementation of transcriptomics.
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