It is a unique and magnificent structure and we encourage everyone to see it and explore it in person. Thank you for supporting our journalism. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Facebook Twitter Email. Fact check: Devils Tower National Monument was formed by magma; tree claim is false. Basalt columns used as bricks in a wall, village of Murat, France.
LAMUR et al. Nature Communications 9, This is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by clicking here. More From Forbes. Jul 23, , am EDT. Jul 15, , am EDT. Jul 8, , am EDT. Jul 1, , am EDT. Jul 20, , am EDT. These rocks, in aggregate about feet thick, include, from oldest to youngest, the upper part of the Spearfish formation, of Triassic age, the Gypsum Spring formation, of Middle Jurassic age, and the Sundance formation, of Late Jurassic age. The Sundance formation consists of the Stockade Beaver shale member, the Hulett sandstone member, the Lak member, and the Redwater shale member.
The formations have been only slightly deformed by faulting and folding. Current research supports the conclusion that Devil's Tower was not a volcano, but was injected between sedimentary rock layers and cooled underground.
The characteristic furrowed columns are the result of contraction which occurred during the cooling of the magma. Geologic estimates have placed the age of Devil's Tower at greater than 50 million years, although it is likely that erosion uncovered the rock formations only one or two million years ago Field Notes more info.
Devil's Tower is considered a sacred landmark by more than 20 Native American tribes. The Lakota refer to Devil's Tower as Bear Lodge , and historically used this sacred place for funerals, prayer offerings, sweatlodge ceremonies, as well as their Sun Dance ritual Devil's Tower: Sacred Place more info.
For more information about the sacred ties of Native Americans to Devil's Tower, click here more info. Your Account.