What should i wear to underground rebel bingo

After all, life is jam packed with awful, boring activities that are crying out for the "Underground Rebel" treatment. A few suggestions Regular zookeeping: Fun? Maybe- after all, you get to be outside, you work with animals, and you don't have to wear a tie. But then again, you do a lot of exotic poop cleanup, you have to explain to tantrum-throwing 4-year-olds why they can't take the koalas home with them, and, if you work at the zoo here in Los Angeles, you spend most of your day maliciously torturing elephants at least, according to PETA.

On the other hand, throw a little Underground Rebel into the mix, and as you can see, all that downtime and child education is replaced with shotgunning Pibbers, humping stuffed animals you know, if you're into that sort of thing , and playing animal dress-up. To me, that sounds like the superior deal. I know, I know- pimping is already something of an underground, rebellious activity. But it's also cruel, exploitative, and wholly not in the spirit of what we're going for here.

We even managed to persuade some other friends to come too. You can sign up to the Rebel Bingo mailing list to be the first to find out about future events. With events popping up across the globe in countries that include Rio, Sydney, New York and Beijing to name but a few, Rebel Bingo looks set to become a world-wide phenomenon. The Rebel Bingo we went along to in London was held in Village Underground, a vast renovated warehouse close to Shoreditch overground station.

When we got back there was a massive queue to get in. The place was packed, teaming with young trendies buying cans of lager at the bar. Two rounds or books are played during the night. But that just adds to the excitement, as when the host steps on the stage everyone goes wild. Some were introduced by way of a little video. Two glamorous girlies were the bingo callers, who came up with some interesting calls for the numbers.

I started shrieking like a banshee, all the while trying to part the heaving crowd like Moses, as it was first up to the stage wins. Meanwhile Sharps sheepishly tried to make his way to the front. Most Popular 1. Arts and Culture Booze New York. Sign up for the best newsletter EVER! Best Newsletter Ever! Enter your Email. Like this article?


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