Buyer behavior refers to the decision and acts people undertake to buy products or services for individual or group use. Buyer behavior is the driving force behind any marketing process. Understanding why and how people decide to purchase this or that product or why they are so loyal to one particular brand is the number one task for companies that strive for improving their business model and acquiring more customers.
Buyer behavior is always determined by how involved a client is in their decision to buy a product or service and how risky it is. Based on these determinants, four types of consumer buyer behavior are distinguished:. This type is also called extensive. The customer is highly involved in the buying process and thorough research before the purchase due to the high degree of economic or psychological risk. Examples of this type of buying behavior include purchasing expensive goods or services such as a house, a car, an education course, etc.
Like complex buying behavior, this type presupposes lots of involvement in the buying process due to the high price or infrequent purchase. As a rule, they buy goods without much research based on convenience or available budget.
An example of dissonance-reducing buying behavior may be purchasing a waffle maker. This type of consumer buying behavior is characterized by low involvement in a purchase decision. A client sees no significant difference among brands and buys habitual goods over a long period. An example of habitual buying behavior is purchasing everyday products.
In this case, a customer switches among brands for the sake of variety or curiosity, not dissatisfaction, demonstrating a low level of involvement. For example, they may buy soap without putting much thought into it.
Next time, they will choose another brand to change the scent. Each consumer may have unique buying habits. Still, there are typical tendencies, which allows distinguishing the following buyer behavior patterns:.
If customers have access to several stores, they are not always loyal to one place. So even if all items are available in one outlet, they may divide their purchases among several shops. There are two things to consider: the type of the product customers purchase and its quantity. As a rule, people buy necessity items in bulk. In contrast, luxury items are more likely to be purchased in small quantities and not frequently. The amount of goods people buy is influenced by such factors:.
With the development of e-commerce , purchases have become only a few clicks away. Anyway, marketers should understand how often and at what time of the year or day people tend to buy more goods. Complex buying behavior is encountered particularly when consumers are buying an expensive product.
In this infrequent transaction, consumers are highly involved in the purchase decision. Consumers will research thoroughly before committing to invest. Consumer behaves very different when buying an expensive product or a product that is unfamiliar to him.
When the risk of buying a product is very high, a consumer consults friends, family and experts before making the decision. There is a lot of thought on how it looks, how his friends and family will react, how will his social status change after buying the car, and so on.
In complex buying behavior, the buyer will pass through a learning process. He will first develop beliefs about the product, then attitudes, and then making a thoughtful purchase choice. For complex buying behavior customers, marketers should have a deep understanding of the products. It is expected that they help the consumer to understand about their product.
In dissonance-reducing buying behavior consumer involvement is very high. This might be due to high price and infrequent purchase. In addition, there is a low availability of choices with less significance differences among brands.
In this type, a consumer buys a product that is easily available. Consumers will be forced to buy goods that do not have too many choices and therefore consumers will be left with limited decision making. Based on the products available, time limitation or the budget limitation, consumers buy certain products without a lot of research.
For example, a consumer who is looking for a new collapsible table that can be taken for a camping, quickly decides on the product based on few brands available. The main criteria here will be the use and the feature of the collapsible table and the budget available with him. Marketers should run after-sale service camps that deliver focused messaging. These campaigns should aim to support consumers and convince them to continue with their choice of their brand. These marketing campaigns should focus on building repeat purchases and referrals by offering discounts and incentives.
Habitual Buying Behavior is depicted when a consumer has low involvement in a purchase decision. In this case the consumer is perceiving only a few significant differences between brands.
When consumers are buying products that they use for their daily routine, they do not put a lot of thought. You name it! Meet us at the intersection of creativity, integrity, and development, and let us show you how to optimize your marketing. What is Digital Customer Experience? Customer Support Edition.
Consumer behavior in marketing — patterns, types, segmentation. Understanding, analyzing, and keeping track of consumer behavior is critical for businesses. If you think about it, we make many buying decisions every day without giving them much thought. What is the meaning of consumer behavior?
Why is consumer behavior important? A consumer behavior analysis should reveal: What consumers think and how they feel about various alternatives brands, products, etc.
Types of consumer behavior There are four main types of consumer behavior: 1. Complex buying behavior This type of behavior is encountered when consumers are buying an expensive, infrequently bought product. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior The consumer is highly involved in the purchase process but has difficulties determining the differences between brands.
Habitual buying behavior Habitual purchases are characterized by the fact that the consumer has very little involvement in the product or brand category. What affects consumer behavior? Many things can affect consumer behavior, but the most frequent factors influencing consumer behavior are: 1.
Marketing campaigns Marketing campaigns influence purchasing decisions a lot. Economic conditions For expensive products especially like houses or cars , economic conditions play a big part.
Personal preferences Consumer behavior can also be influenced by personal factors: likes, dislikes, priorities, morals, and values. Group influence Peer pressure also influences consumer behavior. Purchasing power Last but not least, our purchasing power plays a significant role in influencing our behavior. Get free access. Become a Master of Retention! Available for all platforms:. Discover all features. Grow Profits by Retaining more Valuable Customers! Access the Guide Now.
Tired of losing customers to your competitors? Download eBook now! What do you mean by consumer behavior? What are the 4 types of customer buying behavior? What is an example of consumer behavior? How do you identify consumer Behavior? What are the characteristics of consumer behavior? Article last updated: October 7, Article first published: November 26, Table of Contents.
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