What is crawfish in spanish

The keeping of crawfish on board vessels other than crawfish pot vessels shall be forbidden. Offenders shall be punished in accordance with Mauritanian law. We went to a crawfish festival in Old Town Springs. Fuimos a un festival de langosta en Old Town Springs. That's like bringing a crab to a crawfish boil.

Es como poner a un cangrejo a hervir a los cangrejos. A crawfish in blue cheese sauce. Un cangrejo en salsa de queso azul. Couldn't believe it - a crawfish! No poder creerlo - una langosta! It shall be forbidden to keep crawfish on board vessels other than crawfish pot vessels.

Queda prohibido tener langostas a bordo de los buques que no sean langosteros con nasas. If you get enough of it, do like a crawfish. Si te cansas, haz como los cangrejos. The items that you have collected will be displayed under "Vocabulary List". If you want to copy vocabulary items to the vocabulary trainer, click on "Import" in the vocabulary list. Browse the dictionaries.

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You can choose to add a translation that is not yet in the dictionary, or you can vote already suggested translations right or wrong. Toggle navigation. Add new translation. Synonyms for crawfish cancer crayfish crawfish canker withdraw back away pull back back out crawfish out pull in one's horns crawdad ecrevisse crawdaddy langouste rock lobster sea crawfish.


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