Other than his bed, he owns two very interesting chests; both of which are locked. When you meet him for the first time it becomes clear that he is rather bored with life in the castle: "I'm Fathis Aren, Count Bravil's staff wizard. I can teach you Conjuration Bravil obviously flourishes under his wise and beneficent rule. I suppose if I did, I'd want to talk to Fathis. Fathis' conjuration experiments have garnered a lot of attention. The Gray Fox will, when initiating the Arrow of Extrication quest, explain how to find the arrow: "Bravil's court wizard, Fathis Aren, recently acquired this unique item.
You may kill Fathis if necessary, but not in the castle. He keeps his most treasured items there, not in the castle. Only Fathis can open the door to the tower, but there is supposed to be a secret passage somewhere in the castle that leads him to his tower. He has a room in the north wing. Gloomy fellow. I've heard he consorts with daedra. This deep, dark pool has a tunnel leading out of it.
Check your map to line yourself up with where the entrance should be and then start swimming down and searching for the opening under the ledges. Fight your way up and out of this dungeon, through the Wizard's Lair, and out into the tower. This tower will be stacked full of leveled monsters and daedra, making it very difficult. Additionally, Fathis will attack you when he sees you and he carries a staff that will drain your strength a nice pickup if you kill him.
You don't have to fight anyone here. Aren's little den is on the second floor from the top. If you don't want to fight everyone, a good technique is to run up to the top floor and wait for everything to chase you up.
Then, drop down and run into his little hideout. There are some cool items to steal, but the prize is sitting in a chest behind his desk. Grab the Key Shaped Arrowhead and Aren's Tower Key, as well as anything else you can get before all of the enemies come back for you. If you allow yourself to get trapped in this room, it will be lights out so make your trip quick.
Once you have everything, you can drop down to the floor and use the key you just picked up to walk out of the front entrance. Fast travel back to Chorrol and talk to Gray Fox again. He'll reward you with gold as a reward. He can also be witnessed casually walking around in the Imperial City Market District. Amusei will meet the Hero in a major city and ask them to meet the Gray Fox at the home of Malintus Ancrus in Chorrol.
Head straight ahead and the Hero will be confronted with a leveled dremora. Kill him and keep going straight through the gate. Use the minimap to find the secret trap door. Alternatively, one can enter the grotto via the trapdoor described above, using the minimap to help navigate to the spot on the floor of Niben Bay where it is.
This will skip sneaking through the castle and the west side of the Grotto. At the top of the ramp is a guy locked in a cage. Go back to the main tower and use your new Sigil Keep Key to enter the locked doors. Walk up the ramp on the other side and be ready for a fight at the top. Pokemon trading card game.